Core Pattern Readings

I am currently offering sessions via Zoom or phone. 

Photo by Rachel Mae Regina

The core pattern reading is a channelled session that reveals the root of the repetitive life patterns you experience. Each of us holds a pattern that can feel anywhere from mildly irritating to unbearably painful, but we may struggle to change these patterns or feel like we have any power with them if we don’t understand where they come from.

To be human is to experience some form of trauma in our lives, which can become stored in our bodies, psyches, and more. When we don’t have the safety, resources, skills, or opportunity to fully integrate this trauma it perpetuates itself as a lived experience. Your core pattern story is a trauma that has not yet had the opportunity to integrate or heal, and is therefore creating great struggle and continued suffering in your life.

During the reading we will go back to the time and place when the trauma first occurred in order to understand it at its root, and how the pattern first began. You can consider this story a past life, or an allegory for this life - either way the information is relevant to where you are in the present moment. The reading will offer you support, love, and guidance on how to engage your healing process at the true core, how to work with this pattern in a manageable and conscious way, and how to find the relief and satisfaction you are seeking out of life. As we heal, the tension and energy bound up in our wounds and patterns becomes available to us again, and we become more available to joy, love, creativity, and our true life’s purpose. This reading will support you in finding the truest expression of yourself, as our patterns often cloud our perception of who we truly are.

As something that lives deep in the unconscious psyche, our patterns are so pervasive that we often don’t even see them or know they are happening, just as resilient people can adapt to a new ‘normal’ in even the most horrific circumstances. At one point our pattern was necessary and kept us safe, but might now be causing us harm. This kind of healing takes time and effort. It can be slow, and it can also bring sudden awakenings. But it is real. The more we understand our patterns the more agency we have in our lives. We can create immeasurable impact on the path unfolding before us and the role we play in our families, relationships, communities, and in the world. While it is given that we will experience trauma in our lives, it is also given that we are all capable of healing. I have witnessed formerly unimaginable shifts in my own life and my clients’ lives as they continue this work, challenging what we believe to be possible and opening us up to a completely different experience of love and of life.

Your initial reading will reveal your primary pattern, and all readings thereafter will offer support specific to your questions or current life phase. 

Integration sessions

I strongly recommend booking at least one integration session with your initial core pattern reading, and at least three integration sessions is preferred if that is accessible to you. This is a profound opportunity to understand supportive information you will have for the rest of your life. This is a conversation-based session where we will help you digest the information from your reading and understand how to identify and integrate your pattern in your daily life. We will go over the reading together and answer any questions or clarification needed, and I will explain more about how the pattern works and some helpful tools for stepping into this new chapter of your life. 

Doing one integration session 1-2 months after the core pattern reading is recommended, but these sessions can really be done at any time, even years after receiving your reading. 

Follow-up readings

Once you have had your core pattern reading, you may come for follow-up readings whenever you like to support your life. Readings help you develop clear and functional skills to practice choice and inner freedom in your life. Sessions can take place monthly, yearly, or as it suits you and can serve as a check in for your current life phase, or answer questions you are working with. Each one will bring you into a deeper integration of your core pattern, and bring clarity and love to the steps you are taking along your healing journey.


Relationship readings

An opportunity to understand the pattern, potential, challenges, and joys shared on a path between two individuals. One person may come alone to ask about a relationship in their life, or both people may come together for the reading. Any relationship can be addressed, including friendship, romantic, familial, and business partnerships. The reading will clarify the greater purpose of the relationship and your learning in it, while empowering the choices you wish to make.